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How to speak dragonese

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★Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III was a truly extraordinary Viking Hero. Warrior chieftain, awesome sword-fighter and amateur naturalist, he was known throughout Vikingdom as 'the Dragon Whisperer', on account of his amazing power over these terrifying beasts. ★But it wasn't always like that. In fact, in the beginning, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III was the most put upon Viking you'd ever seen. Not loud enough to make himself heard at dinner with his father, Stoick the Vast; not hard enough to beat his chief rival, Snotlout, at Bashyball, the number one school sport and CERTAINLY not stupid enough to go into a cave full of dragons to find a pet...★故事背景設定在充滿粗獷維京人和狂野巨龍的世界,主角是一位住在博克島的維京小男孩。在男孩的部落裡對抗巨龍可說是家常便飯,而在即將到來的成人禮中,他必須捉住巨龍並且將牠馴服,才能向族人及父親證明他存在的價值‧但是,男孩不但沒有捉到巨大的龍,反而和一條受傷的小龍成了好友,他的世界將從此徹底改變

Cressida Cowell is the good-friend and confidante of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Viking warrior and hero of The Heroic Misadventures. When she is not visiting with Hiccup to document his latest memoir, she lives in the UK. She is also the author of The Rabbit Belongs to Emily Brown, What Shall We Do With the Boo Hoo Baby? and numerous other picture books.
