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Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

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  平裝繪本。相同節奏一問一答的句子,充滿著各種動物與色彩,乍然呈現在孩子面前。這本廣受全世界小朋友喜愛的圖畫書,是Eric Carle首次以色調鮮明的拼貼畫手法創作童書。Bill Martin Jr.簡單又重複的句型,配合循環又有節奏性的故事內容,孩子可以朗朗上口。如同Eric Carle其他的創作,本書同樣有寓教於樂的功能,可以協助孩子認識許多動物和顏色的說法。


  With more than two million copies sold, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? has opened up a world of learning to a generation of children. For this edition, created for the twenty-fifth anniversay in 1992, Bill Martin, Jr., restored his text to its original wording. And Eric Carle created all new pictures--based on the originals, but clearer, brighter, and truer to the colors they represent.Bill Martin has been devoted to writing children’s books for more than thirty years. He has a Ph.D. in early childhood education and he has long been a proponent of using rhyme and rhythm to teach young children how to read.Eric Carle, illustrator of many beloved children’s books, was born in the United States, but spent his early years in Stuttgart, Germany, where he studied art and design at the Academy of Applied Art. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? was the first book he illustrated. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
